Curriculum Intent

Westbourne’s curriculum is focused on giving our children the life experiences they need in order to be successful in later life; both as people and in their chosen career.  Our curriculum is rich and alive.  It is driven by the children we teach.  We want to empower our children to bring about social change and have access to any and every career path they can imagine – we aim to level the playing field when it comes to opportunities, choices and aspirations for later life.

Our curriculum is developed using a mirrors and windows approach.  Our curriculum reflects important aspects of our school community and also provides windows into aspects of life our school community may not be as familiar with.  Our curriculum is based on experiences that mean something to our children, that develop their understanding of the world and foster curiosity.

Our curriculum is customised, personalised and structured so that the development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary is completed in a systematic and logical.  It provides children with a range and breadth of rich and memorable learning experiences which promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development alongside British Values.

Westbourne places the community at the heart of all it does, we strive to leave a legacy for future learners and generations to come with pupils able to compete at secondary school and beyond.

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum by Subject

“You’re doing a really good thing here at this school.”

– Parent of Reception and Year 4 Children