Our Curriculum

At Westbourne Primary School we think it is very important that our pupils make good progress and aim high to achieve their very best.  We have a joint understanding of what good attitude looks like in school.

Each pupil has their own “Learning Journey” which identifies what they can already do and what they need to do next to make good progress.  At the start of each term, each pupil meets with their teacher to discuss their learning, progress and attitude.

If a pupil has made excellent progress in an area of learning or attitude, they are given a green, good progress receives amber and poor progress gets a red. Greens and ambers are rewarded with tokens that are added to the class jar. When the class builds up 100 tokens they can exchange them for gift vouchers to spend as a class. When a red is given action will be taken by school to get that pupils’ progress back on track.

Pupils will also work with their teacher to select their next targets for reading, writing, maths and attitude. These will then be written on their target bookmark to take back into class. This is then shared with parents in the consultation evenings.

Our curriculum is centered on giving children the life experiences they need in order to be successful in later life both as people and in their chosen career. Whilst there is a focus on the core subjects we also seek to develop our children in a range of practical subjects such as PE, Arts and Computing.  Our curriculum is rich and alive. It is driven by the children we teach.  We want to empower our children to bring about social change and have access to any and every career path in their choosing.  Our curriculum is based on experiences that mean something to our children, that develop their understanding of the world and their vocabulary.

You can find details about our year group curriculum for each subject under the Year Group Pages. If you require further details our curriculum leader is Mrs Widdop via the school office or email westbourne@priestley.academy marking this for Mrs Widdup’s attention. Our curriculum is a creative immersive curriculum which has been built up around children’s interests delivering the skills of the National Curriculum.

To view our Remote Education Provision Statement, please visit our policies page: Policies – Westbourne Primary School Bradford