
Please find our policies below

Accessibility Policy & Plan

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance and Absence Policy

Behaviour Policy

Home School Agreement

Online Safety

Packed Lunch Policy

Remote Education Provision Statement

SEND Information Report 2022

SEND Policy – Parents

Teaching and Learning Policy

Uniform Policy

For all Trust-wide policies, including:

Admissions Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Concerns and Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Freedom and Information Policy
Gifts and Hospitality Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Relationships Education Policy
Whistleblowing Policy

please click the link below:
www://The Priestley Academy Trust/Policies

If you would like a paper copy of any policy, please ask at the school office and we will be more than happy to print one off for you free of charge.

“You’re doing a really good thing here at this school.”

– Parent of Reception and Year 4 Children