School Day

The school day

The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm
The total number of hours in a typical school week is 32.5hours

Our school doors open at 8:45am for a staggered start to the morning.  Registers are taken at 9:00am.

From 8:45am until 9:15am children complete Target Time, where they focus on basic skills.  We have found this helps the children embrace learning from the moment they walk in the door.

Classes have a 15 minute break during the morning.  Fruit is provided for children at break times in EYFS and Key Stage 1.  Milk is also provided for our youngest children and for those who wish to purchase it.

Lunch for the whole school is from 12:00noon until 1:00pm.  Children have the opportunity to eat lunch with their friends and have plenty of time to play and explore outside.

In Key Stage 1 our children have a short afternoon break, where appropriate, to break up their learning.

School closes for all children at 3:15pm.

We have various after school clubs that run throughout the year and parents are notified of these through WEDUC.


School lunches

School lunches are supplied by Mellors Catering

Please click on the links below to view the current menus:

Menu Week 1 – From 4 NOVEMBER 2024
Menu Week 2 – From 11 NOVEMBER 2024
Menu Week 3 – From 18 NOVEMBER 2024

“You’re doing a really good thing here at this school.”

– Parent of Reception and Year 4 Children