
At Westbourne Primary School, science is a time for children to explore their curiosity.  Our science curriculum values every individual and aims to see exciting and inspiring science interwoven through the curriculum.  We believe a hands on enquiry based curriculum will inspire inquisitive minds and encourage our children to develop a passion for scientific learning about the world around us.

Through our practical and engaging curriculum we aim to inspire our pupils to make science learning fun.  Our pupils will ask questions, experiment, explore, take risks, reflect, make and learn from mistakes, in a safe environment; whereby they acquire the knowledge and skills which will equip them for an ever-changing world.

Our children work scientifically to carry out enquiries, including comparative and fair testing, observations over time, seek patterns, identify and classify.  They develop their scientific knowledge through biology, chemistry and physics, using scientific processes to help them answer questions about the work around us.

Our scientific learning, where possible, is linked to other areas of the curriculum and our children enjoy using their scientific knowledge to produce pieces of writing in English lessons.

We are proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) to celebrate the quality of science teaching at our school.

Throughout the year we have various activities for the whole school to take part in, such as Hatching Chicks, STEM workshops, National Space Week and our annual science week.

Head over to the home learning section on Weduc for some science activities you can complete at home.

Science curriculum

“I love science, its always exciting, and I never forget it!” – Year 4 pupil
“We do loads of stuff, make fossils and see how much sugar is in drinks.  It’s very interesting.” – Year 3 pupil
“A fabulous STEM workshop, lots for children to do, they were giving some great explanations.  Great to be a part of.” – Year 5 parent
“I love coming to the science week gallery, to see all the children’s work across the school.  The children are always so proud and enthusiastic.” – Year 4 parent

“You’re doing a really good thing here at this school.”

– Parent of Reception and Year 4 Children